QualiTru Sampling Systems

Complete Case Study: An Inline Sampling System to Detect Foodborne Pathogens in Milk

A field case investigation from the United States and Argentina.

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2022 ADPI Webinar

A milk-line sampling system to detect foodborne pathogens


The objective of this short communication was to discuss two field case investigations to determine the usefulness of a milk-line sampling device to detect bacteria either coming from a group of cows suffering from mastitis or from the milking line potentially contaminated with environmental bacteria.

In Case 1, the in-line sampling device was able to detect certain segments of the milk-line contaminated with environmental bacteria, but not coming from the cows.

In Case 2, 19 out of 25 pooled in-line samples were in agreement with at least one of the individual sampled cows shedding either Staphylococcus or Streptococcus spp. or both, which accounted for 76% accordance between both methods.

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