Blog Posts About Liquid Sampling Written by Our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

SHACCP process explained

The SHACCP Explained

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I trust we all know HACCP. HACCP and me go back a long way; as a matter of fact, we were conceived in the same year! When I came across HACCP during my student years, I thought it was really boring; HACCP being methodical, slow and elaborate and me being young and restless. However these…
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New Normal for QualiTru

The New Normal for QualiTru

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I’m guessing that many of you reading this blog might agree that a new language has developed while living through a global pandemic. Many of us would also likely agree that referring to the ‘new normal’ is becoming just tiring. But, what exactly does a ‘new normal’ really mean? For many of us, it means…
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diagnostic process sample

The Diagnostics Process

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If we trust the sampling and testing process, we are more confident in the result and can make informed decisions. During the latter part of my career, I ended up in food safety and quality roles. I occasionally faced the dreaded phone call from the laboratory with the message, “We found X!” X was, of course, a food…
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Reflections of a Milkmaid

Reflections of a Milkmaid: Lessons in Data Accuracy and Food Safety

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Image: The New York Academy of Medicine Library ( Today, it is nearly impossible to catch up on the news without reading about the impact of COVID-19 on health and business. For good or bad, many of us are tracking the global statistics to settle our minds during these uncertain times. Some of us, or…
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