Bulk Starter Vessel Inoculation - QualiTrui
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Bacteriophage Control Using Closed Bulk Starter Vessel Inoculation – Part 2

Bacteriophage control and management for preventing phage invasions are challenges many dairy processing plants face. Starter culture bacteria play an essential role by converting milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid in making dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. Photomicrograph of yogurt showing S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus. (Image: Courtesy of Mullan, Michael. (2014). Starter…

Water System Testing in Brewery
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Water System Testing for Microorganisms in a Brewery – Committed to Quality

Water system testing for microorganisms in a brewery is a regular part of the process at Cold Spring Brewing Company (CSBC). It has been the hallmark of this iconic brewery for well over a century and shows its total commitment to quality. A brief history of CSBC CSBC is located in Cold Spring, Minnesota. It…

Representative sampling for dairy farms
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Representative Sampling Solves Two Critical Problems for Dairy Farmers – Part 1

How does representative sampling solve two crucial problems for dairy farmers? Recently, I had the opportunity to have an in-depth conversation with Denise Sutton, Large Farm Sales Manager at DFA Farm Supplies. She has extensive experience in the dairy farm industry, including being a herd manager and running a dairy farm. Denise is also a…

Aseptic sampling system for breweries
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Aseptic Sampling System: Why Consistent Test Results are Important

An aseptic sampling system is critical for the quality control process in the liquid food industry. One of QualiTru’s customers in the yeast-fermented beverage business (Brewery) had a specific problem they were facing. Customer problem: Inconsistent results from quality samples Of course, our team took on the challenge of solving the vexing problem of inconsistent…

Biofilms in the Dairy Processing Industry
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Biofilms in the Dairy Processing Industry—What and Why are They Important?

Biofilms in the dairy processing industry are a big problem because they threaten the quality and safety of dairy products. The growth of bacterial biofilms is the primary reason for microbial contamination of milk and other dairy products. “In recent years, the formation and impacts of biofilms on dairy manufacturing have been studied extensively, from…

Heat-Resistant Psychrotrophic Bacteria and Milk Spoilage
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Heat-Resistant Psychrotrophic Bacteria and Their Effect on the Quality of Pasteurized Milk

Heat-Resistant Psychrotrophic Bacteria or Heat-Resistant Psychrotrophs (HRP) can affect the quality of pasteurized milk. Have you ever poured milk from a carton only to see it come out in chunks? Have you ever gulped milk only to realize too late that it tastes awful? Milk curdling and off-flavors in pasteurized fluid milk are huge turnoffs…

aseptic sampling dairy industry
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Aseptic Sampling Earned Trust and Transparency

Prior to Covid-19 travel restrictions, I made a visit to the Czech Republic. It was an eye-opening experience in the value of relationships, but also the range of trust in dairy. The Czech Republic has a growing dairy industry and some of the largest farms in Europe, with 1,000 head of dairy cows and some…