Search Results for: microbial contamination of raw milk

Hygienic Sampling Practices Are Vital to Protecting Dairy Product Quality and Safety
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Hygienic Sampling Practices Are Vital to Protecting Dairy Product Quality and Safety

Milk collected from the udders of healthy cows is almost sterile but microbial contaminants are introduced during milking, storage, processing, and distribution. Cleaning and sanitation failures allow contaminating organisms to accumulate in dairy processing equipment, potentially leading to the development of biofilms that can become a significant and persistent source of contamination. On the farm and…

Effective Micro Program: Understanding the Microbiological Tests (Part 4)
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Effective Micro Program: Understanding the Microbiological Tests (Part 4)

Throughout this series on dairy microbiological testing, we have discussed the types of micro tests that can be used to enumerate the classifications of bacteria we are concerned with in fluid milk processing. The first two articles discussed Gram-negative bacteria in raw milk and the effects of Gram-positive heat resistant thermoduric/psychrotrophic spore formers (HRSF) on…

University of Minnesota Honors QualiTru Founder Darrell Bigalke with Food Safety and Food Quality Science Award in His Name

Darrell Bigalke, the founder of QualiTru Sampling Systems and a dairy microbiologist and entrepreneur who has dedicated four decades to ensuring food safety through the revolutionary development of inline aseptic sampling systems for the dairy and liquid food industries, has been honored with the Darrell Bigalke Food Safety & Food Quality Award.

Why is Aseptic Inline Sampling Critical to Process Monitoring? 
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Why is Aseptic Inline Sampling Critical to Process Monitoring? 

The significant food safety recalls that have occurred in the dairy processing industry this past year, ranging from Listeria outbreaks in ice cream to Cronobacter in infant formula, and the Food and Drug Administration’s* (FDA)’s recent publication of its revised Investigations Operations Manual draw attention to the criticality of inline process monitoring of bacterial risks,…

Membrane Filtration Sampling
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Membrane Filtration Sampling

Membrane filtration is a widely used process in the dairy industry that separates specific components of milk and whey and then either concentrates or removes/reduces them. The technology used in cheese-making, whey protein concentration, fractionation of protein, and numerous other dairy processes requires special sampling considerations for both regulatory purposes and component analysis. It is…

Request a Consultation

Request a consultation with an experienced QualiTru team member. Please complete this form to have one of our experts contact you for a FREE, no-obligation consultation. Examples of sampling issues our experts can help find solutions for are: Process monitoring systems; Troubleshooting contamination sources; Direct load conversation options; Combining pen sampling with robotics for better outcomes;…

QualiTru History

A Pioneer in Aseptic and Representative Sampling For the Dairy and Liquid Food Industries Since 1983, QualiTru Sampling Systems (formerly known as QMI) has been the pioneering leader in the science of aseptic and representative sampling. The company is widely recognized for its expertise and commitment to building awareness of aseptic sampling as a critical means of ensuring…

Impact of Bacteriophages in Dairy Processing – Part 1
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Impact of Bacteriophages in Dairy Processing – Part 1

The quality of milk can be negatively impacted by multiple sources of contamination in a dairy processing plant. Previous blogs focused primarily on microbial contamination of raw milk caused by various bacteria. For products such as cheese and yogurt, starter culture bacteria play a positive and essential role. However, the fermentation function of starter cultures can be threatened by another microbial contamination, bacteriophages, or phages as…

Aseptic and Representative Sampling for Dairy Farms — Importance of Being Proactive (Part 2)
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Aseptic and Representative Sampling for Dairy Farms — Importance of Being Proactive (Part 2)

Aseptic and representative sampling for dairy farms is a big topic. This post is the second part of an in-depth conversation I had with Denise Sutton, our DFA Farm Supplies partner’s Sales Manager. Denise’s extensive experience in the dairy farm industry ranges from being a herd manager and running a dairy farm, being a trusted…